Friday, February 12, 2010

What is the difference between an intelligent liberal and Bigfoot?

Bigfoot has been spotted.What is the difference between an intelligent liberal and Bigfoot?
There is no difference, they're both fairy tales that don't exist in the real world.What is the difference between an intelligent liberal and Bigfoot?
Excellent! Lemme buy you a beer for that one!
A Liberal will be in the White House. Your Conservatives lost control.
If you want to answer your own questions you should switch to a different Y/A ID.

If not, stop using up all the really, really good , intelligent witty answers. It's just not fair and balanced.
*LOl* and this joke from a dog ....
All should have their IQ tattooed on their forehead, so people (like you) no longer can simply claim to be of higher intellect. If tested, expect one would find more liberal genius in colleges, scientific and medical professions, writers, artists, teachers, philosphers ... than conservative genius. Seems like the conservative genius is usually combined with evil intention.

update:found great legitmate test if you don't know where you fall, right - left, up/down.

not to brag, but I was a -6, -6.
Funniest thing I've heard since Bush claimed Rumsfield was going staying.
Lmao.Good one
You know, there is a jokes and riddles section here on Y/A.

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