Lesson 1. Information leads to knowledge. Knowledge leads to wisdom. Wisdom is what defines intelligence.
With that said, please understand that most liberals obtain their information from the drive-by, er I mean, main-stream media. That information along with the teachings of liberal professors these ';college educated'; libs view as the truth is why they will only be ';Reasonably Intelligent';. Conservative Americans know that the truth is in the actions and not the words of the individual. This is why most conservatives are ';Highly Intelligent'; and run most of the major corporations in this country, even without college diplomas.
If a liberal were to come up with a solution to an issue rather than an accusation or a protest, I might respect that person's position. But as we are very much aware of these days, Democrats are quick to put down and criticize our President for his decisions rather put their own careers on the line with a solution that might backfire and hurt their agenda.
Libs tell the American people what the people want to hear because the media tells them so. The media (TV, Newspapers, etc.) is slanted so far to the left that the viewer/reader has to fight through the garbage to get the facts. It's is a shame that not all Americans are strong enough to keep on fighting through the trash talking news and seek of the truth.
Don't hate someone for being a liberal; feel sorry for them. Tell them that they do not have to hate this country just because the Constitution says they have the right to. Tell them that just because there is a plaque with the Ten Commandments on a public building, that they can continue breaking them in their pitiful lives with no spiritual direction.
But never tolerate anyone who will badmouth the men and women who are serving this nation in war and putting their lives in harms way so that these idiots can continue to have the freedom to say what they want about the leaders of our nation.
This is why they say, ';Right is right'; and ';Exit, stage left';.Why can a reasonably intelligent and logical person be liberal?
The intelligent, informed and logical people are liberal because all the sheep are
Beliefs aren't tied to logic.
Morals especially.
For example:
In the Dune series homosexual behavior is abhorred, why?
Not because of any moral or ethical problem, instead the characters of the book disapprove because homosexual actions do not pass along genetic data of the human race.
That's belief in pure logic without any morals behind it.
Now the opposite is also true, some people believe that they have the right to do certain things because they ';know'; they were given that right.
It's not logic, it's faith.
Like God, God isn't logical or scientific to some people, mostly liberals I've noticed, BUT many conservatives believe in him.
Explain to me then why the higher educated you are the more likely you are to be liberal? Seems like the higher educated would be smarter typically. How does this fit into your ';logic';?
Because your under the Impression that being conservative is correct for your Morals %26amp; Values.That's Great!I'm sure you also think George W. is the best President this country has ever had.
Because No liberal is intelligent or logiical, that's why.
Intelligent and logical people have a greater tendency to be caring and giving.
Mainstream Liberals may care.
Education is often mistaken for Intelligence, the two are not the same thing.
do you have any facts to back this up?
why do Republicans cry and cry and cry about how liberals don't have any ';intelligence'; or ';common sense';... but then they don't have the ';common sense'; or ';intelligence'; to bother to use an example to back up their comments?
do you expect us to believe you just because you ';say so';?
is that ';intelligent'; or does that make any sense?
you need to actually make ONE POINT... before people can respond to it... so far, you've made no actual points...
When you actually come up with why treating greed as a virtue but compassion as a weakness is ';just right'; and ';common sense'; come back and make your argument.
Here's some examples of Conservative ';common sense';:
Conservatives: We want to be the party of small government and reduced spending
Reality: Bush gives us a larger, more Orwellian government that threatens to strip its citizens of their civil rights. Somehow Bush squandered a surplus and built the largest deficit in American history. The war in Iraq is costing 12B a month. There's some sound fiscal decision making!
Conservatives: Just say NO to gays getting married. Marriage should be defined by the Federal Government as a bond between a woman and a man.
Reality: Propositioning Congressional pages, having sex with male prostitutes and seeking sex in an airport men's room is okay as long as your actions aren't found out by the evil liberal media.
Conservatives: Americans should be outraged at the thought of their tax dollars going to welfare and handouts. Do you want a nanny state?
Reality: Americans should be outraged at the thought of their tax dollars going to Corportate Welfare and Tax Subsidies to the likes of ADM, Conagra, Exxon, Texaco, Halluburton..ect.
But for Dick Cheney, Ted Stevens and the like..it's all OKAY!
if you are entrenched in your political views, you are less likely to be open minded and logical...if you are entrenched, you will find examples to suit your views rather than fit your views to the reality you find...It is all about common sense, logic, open-mindedness. Tell me how you would react to something if it tended to overturn your applecart....if you found a few liberal ideas not so bad....would you reject them or adapt your views to fit the evidence?
so what are you actually conserving?
On the contrary...
What I have I experienced when I encounter a liberal is someone who usually has a liberal arts degree, either a BA, or higher (sometimes a BS, but I think many scientists do acknowledge their weaknesses as humans). The amount of education and information absorbed has surpassed their ability to think as a ';commoner';. A commoner being someone who works very, very hard physically as well as mentally. A commoner being someone who probably most likely seeks spiritual guidance from a Higher Power (God, for me) because said commoner acknowledges his/her weaknesses and seeks comfort from God.
Many of the liberals I have engaged in conversation do not usually believe in a Higher Power. Well, I take that back. I have relatives who believe in the same God as I do, but they don't believe in ';judging'; people. They believe in ';to each his/her own';, but I do not believe that the laws and rules that God has given us were meant to be pick and choose rules.
I do not by any means pretend to be a saint. I, in fact, am a sinner, but I acknowledge that I am nothing but a human being that requires Supreme guidance. My Supreme guidance has allowed me to distinguish right from wrong.
So, basically, the higher educated liberal usually believes their immense knowledge surpasses that of a Higher Power; thus, anything goes....as long as it's what THEY want...
They have no common sense and all their intelligance was smoked away while protesting another war, Vietnam!
This question can be asked both ways. Why do most conservatives believe in God. There's no actual proof of a god except for a book. The belief in a false deity would therefore make this person unintelligent and illogical.
Also why is conservatism right? Going to war for WMDs that aren't there is stupid. Taking away rights of people is stupid.
Why do liberals have no common sense?
George W. Bush is one of the most illogical type of person you'll find. He tries to hide the fact, but he bases his decisions on emotion.
If you believe in spending other people's money for a false sense of security, you're a Conservative. Everyone else is by default a Liberal.
p.s. You're not very intelligent if you can't spell intelligence.
One entry found for conservatism.
Main Entry: con路ser路va路tism
Pronunciation: k%26amp;n-'s%26amp;r-v%26amp;-';ti-z%26amp;m
Function: noun
1 capitalized a : the principles and policies of a Conservative party b : the Conservative party
2 a : disposition in politics to preserve what is established b : a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change
3 : the tendency to prefer an existing or traditional situation to change
Bush in new book: 'I do a lot of crying in this job'
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