I don't mind change as long as morals are still in effect with everything we do and say. I liked the way things were in the past and all this liberal stuff seems to me like it's what the kids want, you know this younger generation wants.They might be our future but they haven't experienced life yet and they are going to ruin our country.The youth is really our enemies, they are the ones that's going to let America fall to the ground.I really don't like it to be honest with you. Will you allow it to happen?Why is America going more liberal and less conservative?
A generation of spoiled, impatient brats are coming of age. And I'll tell you now, you can already see morals going the way of the dinosaur.Why is America going more liberal and less conservative?
Many Conservatives like the 'old ways, back when morals were still in effect'. You know, back when black people were property, when women were subject to men, when all people other than white men couldn't vote or have any say in their situation or the national goals.
Most rational people understand that values and morals aren't a liberal or conservative issue. One look at your party leadership could prove that---if you bothered to look. You may teach your children your values and beliefs, and I will do the same, but the FACT is, we are a progressive people. There are many middle eastern nations you might try out if you would like to regress back to the 'good old days'.
What are you proposing? An extermination of all under 35 or something? Hey, go drink some jesus juice, why don't you.
You do, I hope, realize that America can't last forever, and if, as you say, the ';youth ruin America'; then there are and have been much deeper faults within or government and political structure to lead to such a thing.
As most repubs like to say if it ain't broke, don't fix it, well it's broke. Whether you can handle the disassembling process, thats for you to decide. But when gets reassembled (unless repubs slow that down too), America will be much better off.
It's because too many older people are complacent. Things have been pretty good their entire lives, so they think that nothing can seriously change the status quo.
The youth has been brainwashed by their public schools and liberal colleges to believe that massive change is somehow needed in this country to make things ';fair.'; What can be more fair than allowing anyone who cares to work hard to be successful? How can they believe that rewarding slackers and punishing producers is any way to make society better?
Until the non-youth population wakes up and takes back the reigns, we will be headed down a very rocky road.
I see the US political system has become more liberal, not the voters. Look at the last election as an example. We had to choose between a Socialist and a center-of-the aisle RINO. Conservatives had to hold their nose and vote for McCain to avoid having a radical totalitarian in the White House.
America's answer to the moderate, over-spending Bush was to vote in ';change'; that has only served to spend even more spectacularly than Bush. The GOP has turned its back on TRUE conservatism resulting in the whole US political system moving to the left. Once the GOP pulls its head out of its a** and realizes its folly, they will push a conservative candidate forward that will signal the end of this madness.
All age groups became more liberal in the last 4 years.
The policies of the republican party have been shown to be failures and they havent gotten any new ones except ';Damage Obama';.
The Republican parties moralizing while member after member got caught in a scandal didn't do them any good, either.
It's the Hollywood obsession with youth and beauty doing us in, I think. Wisdom and experience is discarded for a pretty face. I wouldn't say the youth are our enemies, I'd say the ones who brought this mentality to the nation are and they're getting ready to retire.
I don't believe it is. The majority of US voters are in the middle. The whack jobs on both ends of the political spectrum will vote for their party no matter what. The middle is never given a a decent choice as the primaries are ruled by the nutjobs on the fringes. So we either get a left winger like Obama or a right winger like Bush. It'll swing back and forth, back and forth.
Actually, your premise is very wrong.
America is going more Conservative. Liberals are losing ground.
Even with a generous margin of error, Liberalism is not dong very well since Obama took office.
Most Americans are moderates. The GOP swung way too far right, and most Americans don't like nutcase fundamentalists trying to push their policies on us. I don't see us going liberal, just more back to the middle. Thank goodness.
Well, no offense, but liberalism promotes equality and is more open minded. The new generation realizes that things are different and are more accepting.
the younger generation is more of a tree hugger equality crew...so it's bound to happen...it's good though...we cant make laws based on the bible forever...
This is a temporary swing. Once they wise up after the defeat of Obama care; the country will go conservative after the 2010 elections because this will slow down the marxist cry baby.
The internet has allowed more immediate communication with email and news which prevents the cons from finding as many uninformed people.
public school I N D O C T R I N A T I O N
oh yeah.... GoBama, GoBama, GoBama !
We are growing more diverse and we are no longer a religiously homogeneous nation. It happens, back then people could not be atheist and just look at today's world. It is natural and it happens.
Because people want things for free... Soon enough, no one will be working, and no one will be producing, and we'll all die off...
1984. It's a great book. That is what governments taking over businesses, hospitals, banks, media, etc. looks like.
More parents are making sure that their kids get an education. Education is the cure for the conservative disease.
The message they are receiving in school is a big factor.
don't worry people that play the game are easier to control, that's what it's about
Watch the first ten minutes of the movie Idiocracy. You'll understand
Unlike many of the usual suspects here, I actually read your question. I understand your meaning regarding youth, but I assure you that there's an increasing number of adults that exhibit the same shockingly low level of economic, political, historical, and basic literacy.
Most of the people who ';answered'; your question couldn't adequately define or show a working knowledge of libertarianism, conservatism, liberalism, fascism, socialism, etc. if their life depended on it. They have virtually no understanding of the differences between -current- Democrats and Republicans... both parties have completely redefined themselves.
To answer your question: Evidence shows that your premise is incorrect. While the government is certainly going deeper and deeper into socialism, the population itself is going the opposite direction.
Countries that begin with a great deal of personal freedoms and economic liberty (very close cousins) eventually reach a level of prosperity so great that they begin to include entitlement programs, and socialism-lite which results in three possible outcomes:
1.) The country flips back and forth, though never fully recovering from the liberal turns (such is the case of the United States) - think three steps back; two steps forward.
2.) The country goes past a point of no return with liberalism which results in a fascistic government.
3.) A --benevolent-- dictator assumes control and enforces freedom on all fronts. When he/she dies, option 2 eventually results.
Maybe. I've noticed that many conservatives are starting to dis-associate with the Republican party, as they have proven themselves in the last 8 years to NOT be for limited federal government as they would have had us believe and start associating with outside the box groups like the Libertarian and Constitutional Parties as well as trying to work within the system with the Republican Liberty caucus.
I personally would have voted for a Republican if it was Ron Paul, but I just couldn't get that excited about John McCain... It just seemed like a third term of Bush. The military ballot process wasn't really worth my time since third party votes would not have been counted and I really didn't like either candidate.
Sometimes I wonder if I should have voted McCain just to keep Obama out... He would have grown the deficit for programs that I find unethical Im sure... But he likely would have done it at a much slower, less destructive rate than our current president.
But then again... Who knows how things would have been.
I think that if the Republicans will run a candidate that truly has principle, and stands for a smaller federal government, the Constitution, and LIBERTY... You will see the Republican parties numbers start to increase.
You keep telling yourself that, pal. Meanwhile, the Democrats are imploding.
Obama and Co's disasterous policies are already resulting in new trending towards conservatism.
';The youth is really our enemies';
I thought this question was serious till I read that.
Anyway, the US is becoming more liberal because society and technology are advancing. Think about it.
It's karma fighting back against the racism, homophobia and hypocracy from our past.
Because conservatism is the reason why we're in the current mess, and is a disease.
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