Sunday, February 7, 2010

I want to be kicked out of Europe. Any advice on how to be exiled from the really liberal ones?

How do you get kicked out of Switzerland or the Netherlands? Without killing someone or anything like that. Nothing too bad please.I want to be kicked out of Europe. Any advice on how to be exiled from the really liberal ones?
In the Netherlands:

If you don't have a EU-nationality it is EASY! The only thing you have to do is to overstay your tourist visa and let the police know about this. They will take care of the rest. And if you are really lucky the police might throw in a free 1 or 2 week stay in one of their new detention centres for illegal aliens before the military police drags you to your plane home.

However, if you are a EU-citizen deportation gets considerably more difficult to achieve. To be honest, the only way for EU-nationals to get kicked out of the Netherlands is by becoming a ';clear and immediate danger to society';. Which usually requires joining a terrorist organization and/or trying to blow up parliament or the Queen. I strongly advise against that sort of thing because you might actually get send to a REAL prison for a 10-20 years before they kick you out. And even worse: You will also be registered on all Interpol and FBI lists and this might seriously complicate all your future foreign travel.I want to be kicked out of Europe. Any advice on how to be exiled from the really liberal ones?
Easy - tell them you are an American that has always supported the Bush Administration and everything it stands for, especially its AWESOME foreign policy in the Middle East!
nobody's gonna kick u out from Switzerland unless u do something really bad!!!!
Since Switzerland is not a part of the EU, my suggestion would be take a plane or train to Paris, and go to the middle of Place de la Bastille during rush hour. Then proceed to burn a large, but visible French flag, while proudly waving a large American one, but make sure to be wearing a large sign that says, ';You would all be speaking German if it wasn't for AMERICA!'; You can add a ';F*** Yeah!'; for a bit of drama if you like. I'm sure you can find a translation website so you can actually write the sign in French for all of those people who have the audacity to not speak English.

With all I have suggested, if the French do not reinstate beheadings just for you, you will definitely be deported to whatever rat hole you came from.
Uh, I am not sure if you can get kicked out of a country, why don't you just leave on your own. If you get kicked out they do not give you a parting gift and say don't come back. Do you mean you want to be banned from a country for life? if so, I am not sure that is possible either, especially in the liberal countires of Europe.
well i dont know about switzerland but in netherlands you can just say something like ';gay is sick'; and they'll burn you at stake...

ps. i have nothing against gay people, i just thought this answer is humorous
Why not just leave. Ta Da. Pretty easy isn't it there sparky
Seek work without a residence or work permit. Be sure the police and immigration authority know you are doing this.
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