Monday, February 8, 2010

In your opinion, what is the most glaring sign of liberal desperation?

To me it has to be either vandalising their own party HQs or biting off the finger of Obama's political opponents.

What does everybody else think?In your opinion, what is the most glaring sign of liberal desperation?
Us still having a Supermajority in Congress?In your opinion, what is the most glaring sign of liberal desperation?

You can always tell when a politician is desperate to get something passed by the ';crisis'; they create (the sky is falling! The sky is falling!). This is especially true with democrats, though I'm not sure why. Perhaps they're more dramatic %26amp; creative than conservatives by nature. Obama seems to have a real knack for it:

';All across the world, in every kind of environment and region known to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster.'; - Obama

I love the phrases ';increasingly dangerous'; ';devastating storms'; ';frighteningly new global phenomenon.'; ... very theatrical.

Health care crisis, Afghanistan Crisis, Global warming crisis. Endangered species crisis. Melting icecaps crisis. Energy crisis. Real estate crisis. Auto industry crisis. Economic crisis. Farming crisis. Health care crisis. Etc. Etc. Etc.

The idea behind it is this: as long as the public buys that we're in a ';crisis'; they will take whatever proposal is on the table, without fighting us too much on the price tag, without a lot of questions asked, and without needing to read the fine print.

So we fight crisis all day long.

And spend money all day long.

And the end result is a few hundred haphazardly passed solutions that need subsequent haphazardly passed amendments to various man-made crisis situations with huge price tags.
The same as Republicans, they follow party line to a fault. You can not convince me that 535 people that are charged to make decision for the American citizen are unable to come up with a simple solution on how to pay for anything we need. All these financial problems are the brainchild of ';Politicians';, and it's never been about what the citizen wants more than what the politician thinks we need. VETO (Vote Everyone of Them Out), get back to the founding fathers vision of ';for the people by the people';.

I am thinking we could be totally socialistic and get better treatment than we get now!
To me it's the complete abandonment of the intellectual debate of ideas. You will never see a liberal debate ideas. When confronted with an opposing idea, they always resort to one of two tactics. They attempt to silence the opposition, or they attempt to discredit and destroy the opponent. Never do they argue against the idea.

See for yourself. Look anywhere on YA. Find me one instance where a liberal talks about ideas. All they do is attack Rush, Hannity, Fox News, call us racists, bigots, homophobes, heartless, greedy, etc. When they let their guard slip, they pretty much just say we should be silenced or even exiled.
They could start bringing loaded guns to town hall meetings, claiming the other side wants to kill seniors and children, claiming the other side is hitler, marxist, socialist, communist, etc. They could claim that 'another 9.11 would be a good thing for the nation'. .....oh wait, that's your party's desperation.
saying the President was going to indoctrinate the students of the United States.....

oh , wait, that was right wing desperation...

It seems we have gotten to a point where right wingers are taking direct orders from radio talk show hosts and FOX opinion hosts.....

too bad they don't use the brain God gave them to think for themselves.
Liberals can screw up all they want, because the GOP doesn't have any electable candidates. ';Obama's opponents';... are there some? How cute, who are they? I hear the town howlers howling and see the tea-baggery, but candidates? Anyone? Bueller?
The standard default defense of all things being ';racism'; is like a skunk spraying in defense. That's nature supplied a skunk with so that is what it uses to defend itself.

Unfortunately for liberals many have become immune from reacting to their spray.
There are no signs because there is no ';liberal desperation.'; We control Congress and the White House. Why would we be desperate under those circumstances.
The fact they now have to choose candidates based on celebrity rather than the beliefs of their party to win an election.
As I have said I may be a short woman but if that Right wing Nut Job would have attacked me he would be missing more then a pinky finger and talking in a real high squeaky voice . He got off too easy .
the party with a majority..not being able to work like a majority..... ad then all the left posters still blame the right
Slander is the last desperate move of a dying party.

There having a joint speech before congress when the topic is

not war
I think R.I.P republicans will be the new slogan for your party LOL
They keep reverting to the truth
I think it's when they respond to facts and intelligent debate with ';He inherited the mess! Better than 8 years of Bush!';
How about begging for ';free'; health care? What could be more desperate than not being able to take care of yourself?
I agree. Who knows what we haven't caught them doing though.

As far as users on this site you can tell their desperation when they say Bush did it.

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