Monday, February 8, 2010

Would you trust a Liberal Democrat to protect the country in a time of war?

I wouldn't. Liberals have no backbone. They would just want to ';hug'; the enemy to death.Would you trust a Liberal Democrat to protect the country in a time of war?
Of course not! Hillary and Obama are already raising the white flag of surrender in Iraq! Iran's president wants to see a Democrat in the White House so Iran can do whatever she wants in the middle east. Hillary and/or Obama won't do anything except run with their tail between their legs....Would you trust a Liberal Democrat to protect the country in a time of war?
Well, they don't come any more liberal than FDR. He led us and our allies to victory in the biggest war of them all (despite funding of the Nazis by bush's family).

Here's a question for you. Would you trust a republican with ANYTHING? Name one halfway decent republican president this side of Teddy Roosevelt. Just one.
Fist yourself.
There sure is a lot of supporter for them %26amp; there amnesty defeat %26amp; retreat ideas%26gt;
Yes. Harry Truman was a liberal democrat among others.
Sure. why not. FDR did just fine durring WW2 or did you forget that.
Bush didn't even protect the country when we were not at war. 9/11 did sort of happen under his watch.

Republicans just want to give weapons to the enemy like how they did in Iran-Contra.
Can't do much worse then the republican in office who ignored national security until after we were attacked!
I wouldn't. But I don't trust conservative Republicans to protect the country in a time of war either. Conservatives have no soul. They'd sell us out once the enemy offers them enough money to turn traitor.
I trust out military to respond to war the same way no matter the president. I do not believe for a second that they would do anything else. If congress declared war the America people would back them with a vengeance never before seen. As it is said in our constitution. I fully an supporting a candidate that will follow our own ******* rules we give them by following the constitution by going to congress. If any of the current candidates besides Ron Paul would do that is up for debate.

The media wants you to think we are in danger. they want you to think that candidates are week. They want us to continue to fight a war based off lies. when will we grow up and learn to think for ourselves? grow up! what we do does have impact on the world and our children will be paying for it.
I take that your currently serving?
';Would you trust a Liberal Democrat to protect the country in a time of war?';


';I wouldn't. Liberals have no backbone.';

I know plenty of Conservatives without a spine either.....

';They would just want to ';hug'; the enemy to death.';

Imagine that....instead of starting wars or killing innocent people through terrorism----we could be shaking hands and hugging each other----What world would you like to live in?

(Beware of the one that speaks of peace and brings war---for he is the Antichrist)
I'm an Independent, but the damage Mr. Bush has created will follow this country for decades to come. He had (has) no plan, there's no end in sight and this war is dividing the country more than it's been in decades. That's obvious by questions like this.
I would trust a liberal Democrat over a trigger-happy, fear-mongering, war-profiteering ';conservative'; Republican.
Let me think. WW I - Woodrow Wilson - Democrat.

WW II - Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman ( who authorized dropping the atomic bomb.) - both Democrats. Without backbone. Don't think so.
get back to us when you can define victory...
You mean liberals like Lincoln, who defeated the Southern traitors? Or Wilson? Or FDR? Or Kennedy, who successfully stared down the Soviets during the Cuban Missle Crisis? Or LBJ, who cared so much he sent half a million troops to Vietnam to stop the spread of communism? Or Truman who fought communists in Korea? You mean liberals like that?
I agree 100%, especially a musim (barrack obama) way too much appeasment (ehem munich 1938) not enough force
theyd get the aclu to protect the enemy.

so the answer is no.
H*** no.
No, I wouldn't and don't.

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