Monday, February 8, 2010

Some argue that faculties should have a more equal number of liberal and conservative professors.?

Some argue that faculties should have a more equal number of liberal and conservative professors. What do you think of such a proposal? Some argue that faculties should have a more equal number of liberal and conservative professors.?
It would be unfair to the liberals. How would they keep conservative ideas out of the universities? How would they indoctrinate and brain wash their students if another viewpoint was being espoused?

Universities are NOT the place to have a free flow of ideas or debates. They are the place that youngsters are brought to in order for those youngsters to receive CORRECT ideas, information and philosophies, any other viewpoints will only confuse them.

What are you some kind of Fascist?Some argue that faculties should have a more equal number of liberal and conservative professors.?
There's a reason there are more liberal college professors - because they promote creativity and think outside the box. Conservative professors are conformists - there's nothing new upstairs to promote keeping up with changing times.
It's dumb. The more educated you get, the more you know, the more progressive you become. You'll never have nearly as many conservative professors as liberal professors.
All the conservative would-be professors are in the private sector creating products, creating jobs, and pursuing innovation.
What conservative professors? There are none. Everyone knows that when you are educated you are more likely to be Liberal.
I think that schools just need to monitor their teachers and they need to make sure they are teaching the material they are supposed to teach and not pushing their political views onto their students.
If you had equal number on both sides,It wouldnt be long before students start lynching the Liberal professors for teaching communism.
What ever happened to the best most qualified person for the job? Their political beliefs should not enter into the equation. Actually it doesn't make any sense to hire by ones political stance.
I don't like it. It is just another affirmative action on a political bias.

I do think instructors should not use their position as a means to spout their political views or insult any student because of theirs.
I think this is a horrible idea. Isn't our public education system screwed up enough without trying to drag higher education down by making them hire conservatives to teach? Pretty soon no level of American education would be worth anything.
Your political affiliations are nobody's business...

That would be descriminatory, to even ask the question during an interview.
What about libertarians?

I think the trend toward bias should be acknowledged and as long as you know what you're getting into, a left-leaning bias is Ok.

It shouldn't make any difference except those that put there 2 cents in.That's inappropriate in a school setting.Outside class fine.
Dumb idea, political affiliation has nothing to do with effective and quality teaching/research.

schools are private organizations.
Good lord! That might promote critical thought and real debate! What must you be thinking? H*ll that might even lead to real free speech!

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