Cons and libs alike dont care if gays can visit each other at hospitals or share their 401Ks and do everything a husband and wife can under the law and they already have civil unions to protect their rights as couple. Why do gays want to call it marriage it can never be marriage they simply are not and never going to be man and wifeSome of the most liberal people that I know are against gay marriage why does it get approved?
Because they are trying to prove that they are mainstream and that there is no difference between a gay couple and a hetero couple. Of course it's not a marriage, how do you introduce your ';spouse'; you can't say this is my wife, Henry.Some of the most liberal people that I know are against gay marriage why does it get approved?
First off, in a medical situation, without a living will naming their partner as having a say if the person themselves cannot, they have NO legal right to make any medical decisions for their partner. They do not have the same rights as a straight married couple. Even the one or two states that allow civil unions, that union is not recognized in any other state and their rights are NOT protected. Gay couples have no rights as a couple in the State of Florida.
I don't know where you got your info about civil unions, cite it please.
Rebourne: I disagree with your assessment that gay couples are less likely to stay together. It's quite the opposite. They have had to fight for their right for their relationships and tend to have more stable relationships that straight couples.
My gay son has been in a committed relationship for 5 years. My straight son's marriage fell apart after 5 months.
It gets ';approved'; for the same reason the Supreme Court ruled that Blacks %26amp; Whites could legally marry. That used to be illegal, and the ';majority vote'; was against it. In fact some States even had it in their Constitutions that you could only marry within your own race. That was finally overturned when law and reason won out over discrimation. That is why laws are changed even if many people are ';against'; something.
It is not a Lib or Con issue whether the government blesses who you sleep with. It is just one of those old fashioned religious issues...which are always an ';us versus them'; issue.
Beats me why anyone would want the government involved in their personal life be they gay or straight. I would be a lot more interested in getting the Gov. out of the marriage business altogether and leave it to the people involved on how they want celebrate their choices.
Now allowing hospitals to decide on who gets to visit who and having the courts decide where your money goes if you die...those issues are obviously wrong and probably could be agreed on even by homophobes and religious nuts.
You really ought to get out more if you do not know that the word 'marriage' means what you think it does. Check your Websters. Besides whether or not a 'marriage is recognized by LAW does not mean it did not occur. Read up what the definition of ';marriage'; is in other cultures...might open your eyes. Our def. is in the minority in the world...did you know that?
Gays currently have legal rights. They sign documents regarding health care decisions, just like married couples. Beneficiaries can be determined, just like everyone else.
They can do whatever they want, JUST DON'T CALL IT MARRIAGE! In spite of what some claim, there is no ';right'; to get married.
As far as I'm concerned they can get married, legal or not, if they just want to use marriage as a sign of commitment, why does it have to be legal? It's all a bunch of bull, gay or lesbian couples are even less likely to stay together than hetero couples. So divorce lawyers would benefit more than the gays and lesbians.
When you pay taxes just like everyone else, you deserve the right, as a citizen to be treated equally to all others.
The money and the power of this country is what determines who and what and where the laws go.
There are million upon million of these people. They are a large part of our society and the vast majority are law abiding, productive citizens ...unlike Illegal immigrants ...who are also being considered by our intelligent government, to be given what they want.
I'd rather see a productive American citizen, be given the right to marry ';their love'; than see an illegal intruder be given citizenship as a reward for breaking our laws and entering our country illegally.
If you doubt my sense of the numbers involved ...go into an airport bathroom and notice what is going on around you.
What exactly is your question here?
What do mean approved? There is a tiny little state in the east called Massachusetts which has gay marriage, and California, which still has to see if voters in November will vote it away.
And i don't think gays want to be called man and wife. I think they want to be left alone from people like you.
why can't they be man and wife??? and don't feed me the crap that's in the BIBLE!!!! everyone picks and chooses what they want to follow and believe in the Bible. Slavery used to be against the bible, it used to be against the bible to marry outside your race, women were lower than MUD amoung many other wierd stories......
Because according to the law today this could be hate crime? Be Careful!!!
What is the right thing doesn't matter anymore ???
You now have to accept a perversion as being love? I love many of my male Friends but have never desired to put anything into any part of them!!
Love Is Love ! But perversion is perversion!!
I'm gay and the whole notion seems kinda weird. Marriage is such an antique phenomenon anyway.
Next people will be marrying their pets. Or their cars. I wouldn't mind marrying my Jetta... then we'd be ';spouses for life';.
Because people should have the BASIC right to marry whomever they want to.(The constitution states that there is supposed to be a CLEAR separation between church and state)
Because two adults who love each other and want a lifetime commitment should be allowed to marry.
It's called HUMAN RIGHTS.....under the constitution....
They do not want to be man and wife.
They want equal rights - that's it.
Are you really this worried about gay people?
Give over.
Ain't you got anything more pressing on your mind than sh*t stirring?...
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