What about you?What comes to mind when you think of the word ';liberal?';?
Morons.What comes to mind when you think of the word ';liberal?';?
For me the word ';control'; comes to mind. It's Orwellian (especially from 1984 and Animal Farm). Their appropriate INGSOC slogan would be Protection is Control.
';Liberals'; want to control more than our freedom, they want to control our thoughts. i.e. it's not enough that one supports civil unions, one must support gay marriage.
They constantly speak about extending our freedoms, but instead want to restrict them.
They make up rights (abortion) found within the ';penumbra'; of the constitution, but try to deny us rights that are plainly written in the Bill of Rights (i.e. freedom of religion, right to bear arms).
BTW, naive people are the most dangerous type.
I think of people, who think that socialism is good and that every conservative is either a rich white man or a religious nut job. I try to ignore liberals, it's almost impossible to convince them to change their views. Besides, liberals get emotional during political debates, so there is not point to having a debate with them.
Whether you are in the brainwashed rep or dem party, you'll someday realize that we've all been had a long time ago..... yes, divided and conquered by our government to argue and bicker amongst ourselves while they laugh all the way to the bank with our money. With so much dissention, WE Americans can't agree upon anything while we are getting screwed by our own government.... lol. Time to wake up and see where the money trail leads, what's really going on here, the uderlying hidden agendas our lovely politicains have planned for all of us..... after all we will all be in the same boat someday, royally screwed, blued, and tattooed.
common sense should dictate and the so-called pork pet project STIMULUS BILL that was hurried up and passed overnight doesn't have anything in it whatsoever to help people like you or me....... READ IT .......
Technically, it means something like ';Live and let live';...so if YOU don't like that, then it makes you a bully and a dictator who wants to foist HIS views on everybody else! That's what comes to mind when I think of ';Conservative';!
When I hear the word, it makes me think of people that fight for progress, freedom, and economic justice.
The loss of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They want to bring down this country by having a ';progressive'; mindset and wanting us all to be equal on all scales. The ruination of America.
When I think of Liberal not in its classical sense I think of people who advocate complete government control over all aspects of life.
I think of the days of MLK, but those were the Classical Liberals, we're now dealing with the Modern Liberal.
I get the picture of Naive, hypocrites, Micheal Moore and Oprah. Almost the same image as use but more disgusting.
Careful about having too open of a mind, your brains just might fall out.
';The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.';
...Ronald Reagan
Openminded intelligent people who respect others privacy.
Compassionate and educated.
I think of a group of people who care about things beyond just themselves.
My first thought when reading this is that you're an idiot.
My second....President Obama
yea almost.. it reminds of the exact opposite the party should be..
they love censorship! makes no sense.
Misguided fools.
Welfare American-Haters.
I think of kool-aid.
welfare recipients, free loaders
Compassionate people who are trying to govern and represent all citizen and not just the top 5%.
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