Monday, February 8, 2010

What does a person stand for if they consider themselves liberal?

and how does that mesh with their pick for president?What does a person stand for if they consider themselves liberal?
The term liberal is often equated with the belief of individual freedom and less government interference.

The issue is: many of the liberals today are not true liberals, but rather progressives or Statists. They want more government control over the economy and many believe that the constitution is something that should be modified to better fit todays times.

The president is clearly a Statist to say the least, advancing the increase in government size and power while diminishing the Constitution and individual freedom.

This is a very dangerous path we are on.What does a person stand for if they consider themselves liberal?
Re ';What does a person stand for if they consider themselves liberal';, they will stand for ANYTHING as long as it reflects higher taxes, more governmental spending, larger government, anti-military, pro-illegal aliens, turning the U.S. into a fourth-world country, and lack of morality.

Re ';and how does that mesh with their pick for president';, a good fit.
Killing babies during a late term abortion, without killing those who would kill children. Large government, with great government involvement in your life, redistribution of wealth, opologizing for previous actions and policies of our former leaders and telling you how to live your life. (The power gets them off).

Moral stance:

For the good of the majority. (Cooperation with United Nations).

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

(No torture)


Moral stance:

Might equals right. (Defy United Nations)

The end justifies the means.

Freedom independence liberty and justice.

For last few elections I have had to pick between the lesser of two evils when voting for President. Think I made a mistake when I voted for Bush last time but Gore scared me.

Their choice of President and His allegiance to Alinskyism proves that fact.

The ';Cap andTrade'; Bill just makes tyranny the law of the land.
Take the complete opposite of everything said in the Constitution and you have the liberal doctrine

Barry reflects that perfectly.
Greater Federal involvement in society versus States Rights.
From what I have seen, whatever the most current poll tells them to stand for
Anything that is against American Values and morals.

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