Monday, February 8, 2010

Why does the most liberal state in the Union want to become its own country?

Vermont wants to become its own state because it says America is a failure. Personally, I believe they are just a bunch of pansies who won't stand behind their country because they are liberal.Why does the most liberal state in the Union want to become its own country?
I've heard they've been trying for years. It's really grass roots. I have a friend who lives there and is very conservative. He says most of them are gullible.Why does the most liberal state in the Union want to become its own country?
Your typo malapropism ';succeed'; is actually quite ironic and cute. However, you meant to type ';secede';, right?

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Sir, Currently America supports the creation of the separate state of Kosovo from the territory of the sovereign state of Serbia. This post is not on whether or not ethnic Albanians in Kosovo (Serbia) were justified in rebelling, or not, it is about precedence under international law. If in fact Kosovo becomes a separate state without the concurence of the Serbian government, it lay the ground work for any area to declare its independence and acquire recognition.

Hence, I can see numerous areas within the United States declaring independence. Dade County, Florida would be among the first. Various forces within Hawaii have advocated return to kingdom. California probably would fare better as a separate country.

Naturally, this is only speculation; however, the possibility will exist.

I am not a Vermont resident. Therefore, I cannot make a sound assessment of the issues that drive the current effort. If it centers on the Iraq War, I would highly encourage Vermont to suspend its efforts. A new election is coming. The United States has 230-plus good years of history. Don't give up on the Union over six years of a bad presidency.
First, people who would want to turn their state into a country are not a ';bunch of pansies,'; but a bunch of independent-minded, freedom loving thinkers like the folks who started the U.S. 234 years ago. They've seen the U.S. going down hill over the past 20-25 years and especially in the past 6 1/2 and are too small to do much to change that on their own.

Hopefully we'll get a better administration in '09 and begin the long road back to the America we once knew and which Vermont can again feel proud to be part of.
Right Wingers are making this country a mess, can't blame them for wanting to split off.
Do you have a site on that?
Why not let them? What harm would it do? I think it would be good for the rest of us ... maybe Oregon and Washington D.C. could join ... Massachusetts too ...
If all the liberal states left the union, the US tax base would go down the toilet.
Vermont residents want independence:…

Very immature. I say let's let them go.
Vermont has been infested with people from New York and Massachusetts who want to get away from it all. I believe that traditional Vermonters are probably pretty conservative by nature, but they've been overrun by outsiders trying to relive the 60's.

That being said, here's the plan:

1. Allow their independence.

2. Declare they have WMD's.

3. Invade Vermont and reclaim it.

4. Use Vermont as a base to liberate the rest of the Northeast and steal all of their cheap oil.
';I believe that states must have the right to succeed from the Union if they so desire...';

It was true in Jefferson Davis' time, and it's true today.

We are the United STATES of America, not the Federalist Republic of America!
Fantastic ! Their ideas are close to one of the most peaceful, free and prosperous nation in the world: Switzerland !
Many liberal states, although not advocating separation, are getting tired of supporting the conservative Red “welfare” states through the federal tax system. They are also tired of the reactionary, diversionary politics that have focused on topics such as flag burning and gay marriage rather than seriously addressing the problems that affect most Americans.

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