Monday, February 8, 2010

As a conservitive, should I vote for the democrat this time to punish my party for nominating someone liberal?

So next time they will nominate a conservitve? Like how Ann Coulter is vowing to vote for Hillary.As a conservitive, should I vote for the democrat this time to punish my party for nominating someone liberal?
As a bleeding-heart liberal Democrat, I whole-heartedly encourage you to do so. If you want to cut off your nose to spite your face, that's fine with me, and its great with me if it benefits me while you're in the process.

Oh, and if you're such a great ';conservitive';, you should probably learn that its spelled ';conservAtive';.As a conservitive, should I vote for the democrat this time to punish my party for nominating someone liberal?
you will show them, voting for someone who is even more liberal than the one you will not vote for because he is somewhat liberal. wow!
What will that accomplish, except to put an even more liberal candidate in office? When you cut off your nose just to spite your face, all you wind up with is an uglier face.
Uh, your party nominated based on how the people voted in the primaries. Get used to it. We're sick of this kind (Bush/Cheney/Rove) BS. Look where its gotten us.

Seems to me that many in the republican party just don't want the kind of divisive, far right wing-nut, crazy loving kind of party anymore. Get used to it. The people have spoken, you got a problem, take it up with the majority of Americans.
could you live with yourself after that?
absolutely. IF we nominated Lieberman, i'd vote Republican
I could never hold my nose and vote for Obama and Hillary. I could not in good conscience do that. I am Conservative and I live in IL which is home to the Democratic machine. The Democrat will win my state no matter who I vote for. If the election were held today, I'll be voting for the Libertarian. I'd like to see the Libertarian party grow and evolve into a viable party. The Democrat party sucks! Even my friend who is die hard Democrat is thinking of writing in a candidate so she can say she voted for a candidate she actually supports. If you're Conservative, give the Libertarians a look. There are some areas, especially along the lines of foreign policy that need some clarification but I am agreement with 98% of what they say.

EDIT: There is a difference between Conservative and Republican. The Republican party USED to be home to more Conservative ways of thinking. THat is not the case anymore. McCain is no Conservative. That leaves those voters that truly are Conservative out in the cold with someone that actually represents them.

AND Obama is not proposing FREE anything. It's all taxpayer paid for. Raising taxes in an era of economic slowdown is very shortsighted and that is what Obama and Hillary are, shortsighted. The Jimmy Carter administration is a great example of what happens when taxes are increased when the country is on the verge of recession and one of the reasons he was a 4 year prez. Mortgages were 14% interest!!
first off, Anne Coulter WON'T vote for Hillary. i agree, I'm not happy with the choices. Before you ';jump over board';, let's see what happens. The Veeps could be a real key. I'm not a McCain person. He's just not the kind of President i want. He needs to find a really strong running mate. Romney IS NOT the answer. He needs a counter balance.
Yeah, that's makes perfect sense not to vote for someone with an 82 rating from the American Conservative Union in favor of someone with a 14...or a 10!

You see why it has been necessary for the moderate (i.e., thinking) wing of the party to take it back.
Nooooo- if we are ever to be a nation ';of the people for the people'; it is your duty to vote for who you believe will do the best job. All these voters threatening to flip because of ire are idiots, it's about the candidate not their party affiliation.
Bush was not a conservative but the media put the label on him and the conservatives followed. You should vote for who is the best to lead the country. Do not look at their party. The country economy is in bad shape and the Iraq war is pushing us into bankruptcy. The problem with many conservatives is that they put issues like gay marriage and abortion on how they vote instead of someone who can run the country ex:Bush who has destroyed our economy and push us into a recession.
Yes...thats exactly what you should do

As long as you can live with teh resulting $5000 more in taxes out of your paycheck a year as well as a pro-homosexual,anti-God,anti-military,an鈥?anti-middle class, anti-American liberal agenda.

While your at it, why don't you shoot yourself in the foot?
You should vote with your conscious based on who you think would make the best candidate. I'm voting for Obama because the issues/new policies he represents, such as: universal healthcare are a life/death choice for my son. Hillary has the same healthcare plan (except not mandatory for adults) but I just can't stomach her lack of integrity throughout the process. John McCain I heard has more of a liberal voting record, but he's pro-war and for that reason alone I can't vote for him.I wouldn't even think to tell someone else how to vote. It's a personal decision. Sorry, that your party doesn't have a new direction or policies that you can relate to. I am a liberal Democrat btw AND a Christian. PS Arthur is NOT a bleeding heart liberal. If he were, he would never say the above. He's a poser and a Republican.
Hillary is far more conservative than McCain.

But the Right Wingnuts can't get past their Pavlovian response of HATE to see that.
No......If by some miracle, that the dems actually won, you would be kicking yourself in the azz for the next four years...I thought about voting for clinton in the primary, but common sense took over...How could I vote for someone that is complete opposite of my values and beliefs.....

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