Friday, February 12, 2010

If the health care bill passes, how will all you 20 and 30 something liberal Obama voters?

feel about having to pay for health insurance that you do not need or want yet? Especially while you are trying to pay off your liberal arts degree college loan? I guess you'll have to be a catalyst for change from Mom's basement, huh?If the health care bill passes, how will all you 20 and 30 something liberal Obama voters?
Well, they got their Christmas wish, and for all of those who have been wishing for more government control over their lives, less freedoms, a lower standard of living in every aspect of their lives including the quality of health care, rising costs, which also include higher taxes than the cost of personal choice insurance, and dumbed down education--by Christmas your list is getting filled.

Government doesn't produce any money--just takes from those who succeed enough to pay into the government, which takes a big chunk in administering the money to pay others. And that pittance comes with government control and strings.

Without foreign force landing on our shores--without any dictator forcibly taking control of our government--without a whimper by the citizenry at large, the America as we knew it, is being changed to another socialistic country with limited personal freedom, limited opportunity, limited education and even limited life spans.

As a country we need to be careful what we wish for. Entitlement is an invitation to enslavement. The government is not accountable for the quality of it's workforce, as well as what it does and does not do.

Yet, government has tremendous power, and maintains its own set of entitlements. Our true entailment is from a source greater than the government.

These are blessings we seek to protect.

MRIf the health care bill passes, how will all you 20 and 30 something liberal Obama voters?
Sure we need a health insurance system, We can afford! I had health insurance and dropped it. I looked at the bill and after deductibles, co-pay and percentage of liability, the insurance company paid $4954.78. We paid $4236.83. We had paid the Insurance company $996.00 a month for the year. The hospital cost ended up on us, because the Doctor was in program not where he does his work. The anesthesiologist was also not in program. This just shows how screwed up things are. The Doctor chooses the Hospital and the anesthesiologist. What are you supposed to do tell him no, you want this one and this hospital.

I now put that money to the side I was paying to insurance every month. Nice nest egg after a year. Maybe a 6 month CD coming up.

Point is, Insurance is a nice way of saying I am giving you a job to manage my money in case I get sick. While your money is paying a CEO,s salary and all his underlings. When you finally need it what will they cover? what treatment will they let you receive and by whom?

Actually, that wouldn't have been necessary if the right hadn't lied about the ';public option'; as being a government takeover. We could have just added then to that and set it up so that it could pay and run itself like the post office, state universities, or any independent government agency. It would cost tax payer's nothing to insure the uninsured or poor Americans BUT NO. This companies making millions would fold because they couldn't compete.

So, they get an imperfect bill we all have to pay out of our pockets. Way to go conservatives! Thank you!

See what ignorance gets you? higher taxes.
it seems they still are placing their faith in obama to take care of them. if obama says it, it must be true lol. they still believe that it is 'deficit neutral'. talk about naive. let's give them a few years of paying taxes on it before it even starts in 2014 and then ask them. it really isn't law yet and still has some obstacles to hurdle so hope is not totally lost as yet.

obama promised: to change the way business was conducted in dc. he promised to have all bills online for at least five days before a vote; he vowed he would sign no bill that included pork, he promised to be the most transparent president ever. these are a few of his promises that he failed to keep among the many.
i fell a lot better than having to pay out the thousands of dollars in debt i am in now because of the broken health system. be thankful this chrismas that they passed this bill to help us out.

companies shouldnt make profit becuase you got sick or injured. thats just immoral. and this isnt about being liberal or a conservitve, this is about being a decent human being and taking care of our country and her people.

also, pay attention and look for facts instead of watching fox news, this bill is deficet neutral. unlike the current system. do a little fact checking.
No one wants to have to use insurance.

I do not understand why so many Americans have fallen for lies about healthcare in the USA, abroad and also the planned reforms [1]. I mean, if the healthcare system in the USA is so good, why have no other nations taken it up? Could it be due to the following facts?

FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [2].

FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [3].

Or if the US healthcare system is run so well, why not run the fire service like the healthcare system? [4]

Maybe that is because in the USA, insurance companies push up costs, buy politicians and refuse to pay claims that people pay for [5]. (Look up Wendell Potter on YouTube to hear more if the link below is too long.)

Obama wants to make insurance cheaper, stop insurance companies from refusing health coverage to those with pre-existing conditions, and make sure they pay out when they are meant to [6], a system similar to that which works in Taiwan [7]. He debated this before he was elected [8].

Is it right that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, Cuba, Germany and so many other industrialised nations with universal healthcare?

If you think my arguments are wrong, e-mail me with proof. But if you can not, let Obama try to help America. If he fails, vote him out in 2012.
19 year old engineering student here.

When I get out of college (I'm currently under my parent's plan, since I'm a student), I'm already planning on buying into a public option, if one exists. Because of all the breaks corporations got the past 8-10 years, they've dropped insurance for many, many employees; including many of my close relatives as examples.
People keep saying on this thread that; healthy Americans 20-30 need healthcare too.. well in my opinion very few of them do unless they we're in some terrible accident or unfortunate event. What kind of person wants to lay down and take handouts when they are able to take care of themselves?

I avoid the doctors at all cost, hoping to avoid people calling me a doosh bag wimp who is always sniveling. Who wants to be known for their poor health anyway? I've stitched my own wound before and even pulled a tooth once. It was basically free; just some booze, needles, pliers, peroxide and bandages.
The ';Hope'; bumper sticker will remain much longer than the feeling of happiness for paying thousands of dollars a year for nothing is gone. By that time it will be to late though, won't it?

Enjoy the crushing bureaucracies and govt. control you voted for.

You wanted smaller paychecks and more expensive products and services? You got it! Congratulations!
Better to focus on domestic problems than big business interests in the middle east.

PS. I am 30 something and I have nothing to do with anyone's mother's basement. We liberals are very successful too. That last part of your question shows a very IGNORANT view.
They can always refuse the Health Care and get free Government Institutional Handouts, in the nearest Federal Prison, instead of Moms'.
INDIANA JOHN - I'm a 46 year old architect here in Washington DC. Anytime you want to email me and take me on regarding this topic, contact me and we'll go.

Personally I'm guessing I'll never hear from you again.
Compare what you pay your ins co, to what your ins co pays your Dr. Then add up all the co-pays you lay out anyway, and tell me the system doesn't need a total overhaul.
Oh, the pointless no-win war that your beloved president promised to pull out from? Right... The day Obama begins to start making the changes he promised is the day I consider him my president as well.
Most will not vote at all in the next election. They all came out and voted in the last election because of all the hype, but most will go back to being apathetic.
People who think they ';don't need or want'; insurance are one of the main problems with our health care system right now.
So well put. Wish I had said it as it truly is what is going to happen.
Godless heathen, There is a war tax on the way so hold on, your bout ready for a long no money in my pocket ride
You're kidding right?

They'll keep voting Democrat. Like the lemmings they are!
way to generalize

us republicans think we know

but liberals are tougher and harder working than we are
oh you're just full of generalizations aren't you?

why wouldn't a 20 or 30 y/o not want health care? You don't think that they get sick too? or need to go to a hospital?

also all of the industrialized countries we compete against have some form of universal health care

btw my degree is in engineering, what's yours?
Real Americans support Obama. Fortunately for our country, we're the majority which is how he got to the White House in the first place.
If it will help those who need it, I am happy to pay more in taxes.
awwww, are you pouting?

I'd rather have my tax money paying for health care then funding a pointless no-win war

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