Friday, February 12, 2010

What career path does a BS in Liberal Arts or Communications prepare you for?

I love these programs of study, but I do not know if they will really help me in my career goals. I am really looking for a degree that is versatile and will help me in a number of occupations. My main intrests are writing, persuading, business planning, and design. I love to work with people, but I also like to lead a group. I currently work as a sales manager, but I hate the office politics. I also dislike math and stressfull work envoirments. If anyone has any idea what program would be right for me, please let me know. I am open to any suggestions you might have! Thank you!What career path does a BS in Liberal Arts or Communications prepare you for?
I spent twenty-year years working at the University of California and one thing I told students was to pick a major they enjoyed. There is a misconception that in order to be a doctor you have to take nothing but courses related to medicine. Not true. There are people in medical school who have bachelor's degrees in all different fields. For example, should you decide during you BS degree that medicine is where you want to be, you start taking the preparatory courses. My biggest pain were parents who insisted their children take degree programs in which they sucked. If you can't do Math, then an accounting degree is a poor choice. You aren't likely to succeed. *smile*. There is no limit to what you can achieve with a BS in Liberal Arts or Communication because you can always add courses to prepare you for another avenue should you so decide. I had students who were shocked to learn that Sociology degrees would help them in Law Enforcement. Hope this was helpful.What career path does a BS in Liberal Arts or Communications prepare you for?
Take all the writing courses you can without becoming an English major. Too many people do not write well and if you can write well you will find a wealth of opportunities in many fields.

You also have to figure out what you value--do you want a lot of money or is a flexible schedule more important? Do you want to move up the corporate ladder or do you get your warm fuzzies from teaching people how and why to do something?
Liberal arts can prepare you for a teaching career, and Communications can prepare you for a career in broadcasting or public relations.
Teaching primarily for Lib Arts, Communications is much broader. If you're interested in people --- might want to try some humanities/social services courses.

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